St. Louis Forum
The purpose of the St. Louis Forum is to provide a forum for professional women in the greater St. Louis area who have distinguished themselves through significant achievements in their chosen fields. The goals of the organization are:
  1. To provide networking opportunities for the members to meet, seek guidance, and share common interests and ideas;
  2. To advance women in their professions and in the community;
  3. To recognize and celebrate the success of women in their professions and in the community; and
  4. To give members access to information about a wide range of issues and topics through discussions, experiences, access to outstanding speakers and thought leaders at meetings.
Members comprise a broad continuum of disciplines and variety of industries, with a balance of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations represented.  All members have achieved a level of influence in their professional and civic life in St. Louis. 
Prospective members shall be considered according to the following membership statement and criteria:
  • Leadership position within the company or organization
  • Community, charitable, political and religious leadership roles
  • Demonstrated leadership and experience advancing women in their organization, industry and/or community 
Forum members are expected to:
  • Pay annual dues (1st year includes one-time initiation fee)
  • Attend at least 3 events each year
  • Participate on a committee
Applications are due by May 31st and will be considered for membership beginning September 1st.

On the first page, you will be asked to provide Nominee information as well as Sponsor/Nominator Information. You will need the following information for the nominee:
  • Name
  • Business Name
  • Title
  • LinkedIn profile link
  • Email Address
  • Preferred mailing address
  • Preferred phone number
  • Professional Bio or Resume
If you are nominating someone and you are not sure of the above information, you can send the form link to them and allow them to fill it out. They will need your name and the email address that you use with St. Louis Forum to properly show that you have nominated them. 

If you are self-nominating, you do not need to enter Sponsor/Nominator information unless someone has suggested that you nominate yourself for membership.

Once you "Save and Continue" from the first page, an email will be sent to the email address(es) provided in the Nominee and Sponsor information that includes a link to the form as well as a code to access it. If you are sponsoring someone else's nomination, you may want to check in with them to be sure that they received the code and know that they can move forward with their application.

For more detailed instructions, please click here!

To download a nomination form in Microsoft Word, please click here.
To download a nomination form PDF, please click here.